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Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Wall Scene of 'World War Z' kills me inside every single time

So today I watched World war Z for the second time in full length. When I saw it the first time at its release year I thought it to be an okay zombie movie with a weak last third. My opinion on that changed, I think World War Z is still one of the best, enaging and thrilling zombie movies out there, even though it has nothing to do with the book (Which i read too.)​There's just one great, nerve-wracking scene after another, the cars at the beginning, the military airport, the plane, ecetera ecetera. The music is good too. Yes, there's a HUGE amount of suspension of disbelief and there are ridiculously many plot devices, but if youcan accept it as an entertaining and creative action zombie movie I think it fully delivers.There is, however, one scene in particular that I found myself watching many times on youtube, being the most nervous while seeing. That would be the jerusalem wall-scene. Watching this scene again feels like the iceberg-scene in titanic. It breaks me every time time.Like, there is this one place in the world that is actually safe, jerusalem was so well organized, they prepared ahead and were rewarded for it, everything there looked so hopefull and well-structured in the scene, and then, in the matter of seconds, everything falls apart because of a minor lack of attention in one of the most terrifying images of the zombie genre imo - the zombies building a huge mob climbing over the wall - that cant be stopped. The fact that the soldiers IMMEDIATELY stormed towards the spot where the zombies fell down and tried everything in their power to STOP the inevitable, the helicopter trying to shoot the zombie mountain down but all of them failing miserably makes this scene so much more tragic in my eyes. Like, here we have actually competent soldiers in a zombie movie for once and it still is for nothing because of the writing of the scene. The following chase through jerusalem is a marvelous action scene too, but before everything else it just hurts to see this sanctuary falling apart.​Of course this scene also needs huge amounts of suspension of disbelief to even remotely work. Like, you have your entire city walled off against hundres of thousands of zombies and you got ONE helicopter guarding the gate which isn't even flying around on the outside?? Come ON!! Why the f*ck was it allowed for so many people to gather around the entrance/the walls anyways, why weren't there multiple levels of walls inside jerusalem like in attack on titan? The thing with the one helicoper is especially stupid because when the soldier on it starts to shoot down the mountain on the outside we can see how easy it would have been to avoid the end result.There are so many stupid writing moments (the crashing plane that only the two plot characters survive, of course the phone rings in the worst moment, ...........) but I love this scene and I think overall World war Z does many things in the genre just wonderful! The last third wasn't as bad as I remembered either, and I REALLY appreciate the movie taking it's time showing us how humanity fought back - not many movies do this.​Would even have appreciated a second part. via /r/movies

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